
Some thoughts on books...

I just got some perspective on what I'm reading just now.

When I finished Crime and Punishment I launched into John Owen's Biblical Theology. About 220 pages in I began starting other books. The usual mode. I started Anna Karenina, Moby Dick, Chapman's Homer, The Fourth Way, my continued sixth complete reading of the Bible. I set a record for starting and stopping different books.

I've been in bookstores indulging my current state of being in-between books, so I can look at them all and decide on a new one.

Unfortunately for me I really am beyond all the usual, common level of influences. I mean, it's old ground for me. (I did order the Bantam Classic edition of Brothers Karamazov which I might actually read sometime in my project to read the ten great iconic, canonic novels.)

So I returned to the book I was actually a couple of hundred pages into already, the Owen book. I notice I really only have 470 pages to go with it (it's appendix includes a whole different book I don't have to read).

And each of the remaining four section are only in the 115 page realm. Very doable when seen like that (and I need to see it like that because it can be real hard plowing type reading in places).

I don't want to die with alot of 'data' shallowly implanted on my short-term memory. That is what I think about when I think about reading a book. So I want to read books that have deep language that helps or enables or adds to ability to conduct spiritual warfare and increase of being. Plus, the ultimate book, the Word of God, requires new capacity for understanding to get more from it. I.e. Work effort. So Work effort is the effort I need to do.

But we do also have to refresh our memory with high influences. Get above ourselves.