

Reading Human Nature in its Fourfold State gives clear and deep insight into Work teaching.

On death, it is clear the unregenerate are in death - and hell - now. Not in the sense that this world is hell. In the sense that in the fullness of their living time, in that living interval, they are in death and hell, just as the born again - regenerated by the Word and Spirit - are no longer there. The born again have left that realm - which to the living is a spiritual realm - and the world senses this and shows hatred for them.

When the unregenerate die they experience death and hell, yet in all their living time they still maintain the pride of life and rebellion against God. Then when their consciousness is in the flesh again - recurrence - they go back to their old vomit. They do this until the harvest when they will no longer be able to do it. The theatre and time cycle within which recurrence happens comes to an end, eventually. The second coming, the end of time, the harvest when the wheat will be separated from the chaff.

Unless they experience effectual calling and regeneration, in which case they leave the bondage of death and hell in the spiritual realm, the world hates them, they separate from the world, belong to God, and go to be with God when they physically die, which has already happened in the spiritual realm.

Context brings Biblical statements into practical light. To walk in the Spirit can be seen clearly when you picture yourself in the spiritual realm now, in that interval between death and birth, but which exists now in the living time recurrence sense.

We can also see how when we sleep, or fall, and we don't walk in the Spirit in that dark realm, how we make ourselves vulnerable to all the forces of hell. O [I say, like a 19th century poet], to be an awake, pure spiritual warrior in that realm now, continually until death and resurrection into God's Kingdom, glorified.

We know how to do it now; and we certainly have influences to further teach us.