
No more mystery on the three lines of work

First line work kind of lends itself to the campus, and the cloister, and the study.

Second line work is for the traffic of everyday life.

Third line work is teaching.


ct said...

Couple of notes:

1. The second line of effort became confused to mean work with 'others in the Work' because the initial teaching emerged, of necessity, from groups; but the Work is not about groups, it's about the traffic of everyday life. Thus second line of effort is done in the traffic of everyday life.

2. Third line of effort being teaching also includes being a good and helpful and responsive student, which a vertical line of teaching (from C Influence on down) *needs.*

+ said...

Your first point (1) highlights the contentious bit. The Work sources clearly state 'work with others in the work'. I'm no fan of groups but admit there is something to consider here.

Work in the traffic of life could be classed as 1st Line. It is you, me, myself working on oneself in the bustle of events. Work with others in the work can be something other than work on oneself yet possibly different to work in the traffic of life. Work with others may offer one significant difference: accumulation of conscious energy and influence. I haven't thought about this subject for a very long time but I would argue there is a difference between 'others in the work' and 'traffic of life' - the latter group have no idea you are working and no idea they are sleeping, possibly no idea you are even there, while the former know regardless of what they can actually do, they do know. That makes a difference.

All that said, working in the traffic of life with the presence of the Spirit tends to draw a response from the traffic that is so 'shockingly' apposite - and a level of shock that equals and surpasses the shock others in the work may be able to give.

Some thoughts ... not in favour of groups but looking at the language and considering what the work wants rather than what I me myself wish ....