
The metaphor of planting

Just read this post by some crazy person:


I really liked the metaphor of 'planting' for the second conscious shock. It is concrete and doable. You take a hit, it triggers resentment, or would usually, and you just allow it to be planted in you. Boom, just got stabbed, I'm being mocked, treated badly, yeah, yeah, I'll just take the hit, it's like a plow that just broke the surface of my being, and I'll let that hit, or stab, be planted in me. Now, in time it will grow. And what it grows into will be something very different. Because it is really just energy. But since its uniquely the result of the second conscious shock (or the process of the second conscious shock) it will grow into things like real will and things associated with higher centers.

All the while I will have had to have been in the third state of consciousness. Self-remembering. Also, what that hit will grow into will be things associated with the fourth state of consciousness.

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