
OK, something substantive...

Two practical efforts: 1. Read the word of God. It is living language. It changes you. Separates your spirit from your soul (Heb. 4:12) and enables the light to enter and the Spirit to speak to your spirit. Etc., etc.

2. Enter into a Work effort until you provoke your limit then keep your Aim in view through the dust and confusion and the whole maelstrom of being at your limit, and act from the Work rather than from life and in *all that* you make real progress. You want to be there, in that maelstrom which is being at your limit, and you want to struggle to extend your limit, and you keep your eye on your Aim through all the confusion and dust and explosions and so on. It all has its natural beginning, middle, and end, so just persevere in it until a conclusion of that particular effort. That changes you over time.

There must be a third...?

3. Prayer.

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