
The Work and the Divine Covenant

"The God-given covenant carries, of course, obligations. The life of faith and repentance, and the obedience to which faith leads, constitute the covenant-keeping through which God's people receive the fulness of God's covenant blessing. "I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession" (Ex. 19:4 f.). Covenant faithfulness is the condition and means of receiving covenant benefits, and there is nothing arbitrary in that; for the blessings flow from the relationship, and human rebelliousness and unfaithfulness stop the flow by disrupting the relationship. Israel's infidelity was constantly doing this throughout the Old Testament story, and the New Testament makes it plain that churches and Christians will lose blessings that would otherwise be theirs, should covenant fidelity be lacking in their lives." - J. I. Packer, from here

"Should a reader ask, Does my getting to heaven depend upon the everlasting covenant or the new one? The answer is upon both. First upon what Christ did for me in executing the terms of the former; second, upon my compliance with the conditions of the latter. Many are very confused at this very point. They who repudiate man’s responsibility will not allow that there are any "ifs" or "buts," restricting their attention to God’s "wills" and "shalls"; but this is not dealing honestly with the Word. Instead of confining ourselves to favorite passages, we must impartially compare Scripture with Scripture, and over against God’s "I will" of Hebrews 8:10-12 must be placed the "But Christ as a Son over his own house: whose house are we if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end . . . for we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end" of Hebrews 3:6, 14! Does this render such a vital matter uncertain, and place my eternal interests in jeopardy? By no means: if I have turned "from transgression" God has made an everlasting covenant with me and has given to me the same Spirit which abode—without measure—on the Mediator (Isa. 59:20,21). Nevertheless, I can have Scriptural assurance of this only so long as I tread the path of obedience." - A. W. Pink, from here

If you're a Man #4 Christian (and higher) the good works you do are the same as are commanded by God in the Word of God and that boil down to the two conscious shocks. When you do the Work, as a Christian, you are engaging in covenant living. You are holding up your end of the covenant, and God rewards that. This is how you see the practical aspect of being in covenant with God. (By the way, what God demands of His own He gives freely. You're given the Spirit upon regeneration which enables you to have faith and to do good works. Doing the Work - or good works, as commanded by God, done in faith, and done to the glory of God - isn't a part of the law of works but is part of the law of Christ; it's like spiritual warfare, you want to do it because it is what you are and it is coming from your new heart.)

So holding the two conscious shocks and walking the King's Highway is doing your part of the covenant with God. Fall and you will be let known that you have fallen. Stay in watchfulness and the fear of God only (self-remembering and non-identifying) walking the King's Highway and you will receive what God's own receive.

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