
Something big

I just now opened a rare volume of John Calvin's, his Sermons on Ephesians, and where I opened it he was talking about how Christ comes to us, and about the Lord's Supper, and what it means spiritually, and it is SOOO obvious that the Lord's Supper is the second conscious shock and the developing of higher bodies (our higher body) and that is what it means that we eat Christ's body and blood. There is no question. Ritual is dead if it is mere ritual. Calvin knew this, Zwingli knew this (they were the main guys regarding pure doctrine). The first conscious shock involves accumulating the Spirit, the second involves taking on Christ's body. That moment, or time, or process of transforming negative emotion (which for us is merely emotional energy of the level of higher centers which we can only experience as explosive and negative) is the process of developing your higher body, taking on Christ's body, to put it in Christian language.

Baptism is baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is regeneration, or being born again. Baptism after that means praying and accumulating the Spirit. "Peter prayed and was filled with the Holy Spirit." (from memory, not exact wording).

Self-remembering, non-identifying, over time.

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