
Christianity: the real thing that the world knows in a deficient way

See Christianity from a different, perhaps new for you, angle. It is the grand gnostic plan (I'll use that loaded term, gnostic) that is found in non-Christian teachings and beliefs and speculations and so forth, yet it is the real thing. Created on high; fall; drawn back up to a higher level than originally created at. All the mechanics of it are what are described in the Word of God. The world gets it all wrong because the world demands that their vanity, worldly pride, and rebellious self-will have a part in the proceedings.

Christianity is difficult because it is God's plan where man rises while at the same time has his vanity, worldly pride, and rebellious self-will (and hence illusion of liberty) mortified. The plan of God effects this, and is the only way for this to be effected. The goal is to have created beings that aren't mere robots. That have real consciousness, understanding, and will. That have the image of God while at the same time 'knowing the difference.' That have the full image of God after having eaten of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Only Federal Theology (which is three-covenant, Classical Covenant Theology systematized) gets all this right; i.e. holds to the teaching of the 'full counsel of God.' This is not to say that Federal theologians understand it because one needs development that the average theologian never acquires; but lowly, born again Christians who fear only God and hence are able to pursue wisdom are able to get this development. When you are willfully lodged in the Village of Morality, fearing and revering man more than God, you stay dumb. Increase of level of being increases capacity for understanding. To increase level of being you have to provoke your limits so as to then be able to make the efforts to extend your limits. You don't get these opportunities in the Village of Morality. You can't be afraid of any influence or the policing of man.

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