
Speaking of ways to read the Bible...

Speaking of ways to read the Bible (Paul discussing it on his blog, and me talking about it here and there recently) I just re-read this post from my '+' blog.

It has the virtues of being concrete, doable, and thorough. Not to mention historic.

One could substitute another doctrinal work for the Decades, if need be. Even Berkhof's Manual of Christian Doctrine would work. There's something about the older, massive, historic work that seems to fit the project better though. Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion would work too.


+ said...

I defined my direction re the Bible for this year. It's going well. I get up early and read and go off into the day. Making that effort to get up early to allow oneself the time to read before the day steals your energy is to be recommended. I also started this:


Not original not necessarily accurate but I'm finding it great for reinforcing memory. Turning back to it later, it brings the whole book back to memory. I know you can buy this sort of thing, but it's the personal effort that gives it value. As time goes on I'll probably get it better organised.

The Puritan said...

Using one you buy is almost worthless. That's not an overstatement.

I'm not saying those books are worthless, but individual effort pays off when you want a deeper level.

I keep putting that off saying I'll do that on my seventh reading.

I was thinking about Thomas Watson anecdote about a king who had read the Bible complete 14 times. That is 7 - perfection - doubled for emphasis.