
Here's what's needed now

I started this, a false start, on one of my old websites, i.e. 'what is needed now' in the form of a rule of operation that draws in everything important and needed to be retained in memory and practiced in real time.

In a sense every Work list I've made has been in this category.

But something new is needed. Utilizing language of the Bible and the Work together, words like circumspect and prudence and glorifying God and so on.

You start with aim. Small aims and big aim.

Active reasoning in the moment to know what your aim is and how it is best to achieve it.

A rule as well to do things such as read the Bible daily, prayer, fasting, Work practices such as self-remembering and non-identifying to accumulate energy. Things you to daily in a ritual manner (though not mechanical, ideally).

Things you do in solitude, things you do in the world, in battle.

You have to formulate a practical overall aim too. It can be personal (increasing level of being) and involving your neighbor (evangelizing the faith - in whatever ways - for instance).

Like, what's most important? You get to what is most necessary and practical. What you value, ultimately, will be found.

The metaphor of the Grail knight is complete in all the above sense (I'll reference Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival as my example). Three lines of Work. You see the personal in the solitary effort in the trackless forest. You see the traditional acts of a knight itself, the helping of others. And you see the striving to attain the ultimate and being of use to and glorifying God.

You also see the pattern of accumulating (self-remembering, non-identifying), containing (battle), and transforming (entering new realms). You can see where you are at any given time using this all-encompassing metaphor of the Grail knight. In this sense it is more useful than even the Homeric epics (the Homeric epics teach and give language to cultivate contact with higher centers, among other big things). I won't compare it to the Bible though because the Bible is not in the same category and is the material of understanding and being itself.

1 comment:

The Puritan said...

I started out like I was going to come through with an actual rule, then I just threw down slap-dash notes...


Upon re-reading I noticed this.

I didn't make clear also the division between private efforts and real time doing. In one of those notes above I didn't make that very clear.

I don't feel like re-writing.

The main point is getting away from the written word (the Grail Knight has the Word of God written on his heart, he doesn't carry it with him, which is a telling detail).

Everything is words, too much words after awhile. So you look for......visual? Or...events. Real time acting and doing. Seeing all these things in real time events and things and people and places and accomplishing aims.