
Service, or third force motivation

I found the text at this link interesting. Of particluar interest is
the emphasis Gurdjieff places on doing the exercises solely as a
service. Like you would clean your teeth before bed or clean your
home, but these exercises are to be made internal for oneself.


The Work is Service. It's the only way to consider it. I think also that there is a lot in that approach. There is a lot that is revealed through Service. I'm speculating but my sense is that these people that find themselves chewed up/spat out in cults never had that perspective. I wouldn't like to say they are motivated purely by vanity or self-will, but I do sense this lack of Service is at the root of their ailing and a possible cause for them being attracted to a cult circuit in the first place. Although, one has to reserve caveats for the exceptions. I suppose the cult experience is one way in which individuals are broken down and prepared for the real Work, but again how many of those types are fit for the Work I don't know.


ME (ct):

An example of the service approach (and keep in mind I'm intentionally using Work language, because this subject could easily be dealt with solely by going into the Christian sphere) is to use the third force (motivation) of realizing that the more you awaken, the more you develop *real* consciousness, and understanding, and increased level of being, the more you help everybody who is connected with you at any point, to any degree, in your circle of time. Even people who are no longer alive currently, but who you have a connection with, ancestor, family or friend or acquaintance or whatever relation. In this sense consciousness, real consciousness, is C Influence an is like an electrical current, or heat, that travels all through the connections of the fullness of time that is your life in recurrence and even above recurrence eventually.

(After I wrote the above I realized that we need to define 'service' as G. seemed to be using it. I'm not sure it's clear in the context itself, but for the record by service I adopted the meaning of like 'doing something as if it is being done, even if partly, for others.' Kind of like evangelizing, or any third line effort.

There's a big subject in there though. A big orientation that can be missed. Without getting into moralizing though, which is where fallen man will always take such a thing. There is self-interest even in evangelizing the faith. The Bible says so... Some are like stars who bring many to the faith...something along those lines...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my SANE SONNET memory thing (linked in the margin of my Fourth Way blog) I'd always wanted to add something to the 'E' of SANE. Effort, then, usually, valuation. Like: effort with third force motivation. And that realization that when you make real efforts you not only help yourself but you help everybody connected with you is really the big third force motivation. Translating it into Christian language you can say you are helping God in his overall plan of redemption, but...that really is a different thing. Parallel maybe.