
This is amusing

Here's something on a different subject. This is not just a person who doesn't know what he is talking about, but he is so ignorant of the subject it is actually very funny. This is from a cult awareness type website talking about Gurdjieff and his system:

"All joking aside, Ouspensky reported in his book In Search of the Miraculous that he had practiced 'self-remembering' according to Gurdjieff's instructions. Ouspensky had been a seeker long before meeting Gurdjieff and had tried meditation and even hashish and nitrous oxide, seaching for consciousness expanding methods.

One day while practicing self remembering, Ouspensky set out to do some tasks. That afternoon, he 'came to'. To his amazement, discovered he had spent half the day, going around town and had done his errands.

In other words, practicing G's method, and being instructed in this by G himself had sent Ouspensky into several hours of what a modern clinicial would call a dissociative fugue/amnesia state.

Ouspensky thought this was some special attainment. He did not understand that his field of attention had fractured,and that this was potentially harmful and not helpful.

It was also fortunate that Ouspensky had spent the day on foot or using a horse drawn taxicab. For had he gone through this fugue/dissociation while driving an automobile, the consequences could have been dire."

From here:

- C.

ps- I know you all know this, but he is referring to Ouspensky's discovery of the 'waking sleep' state, and the attainment in question was simply being able to see it. He tried to be in a state of self-remembering as an aim, fell asleep, then came to later. Remembering his aim enabled him to see what waking sleep was.

Now it is high time to awake out of sleep. -Rom. 13:11

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