
The Bible and classical music

How many times I've read a book of the Bible, set it down, and then let it disappear out of mind as I plaster my attention on the everyday world around me.

When you don't ponder what you've read it disappears. There is, of course, the initial impact of reading the Bible for the first and second and third time. The big fact of it gets into you.

But to get it in memory like a symphony requires pondering it after you set it down.

That is a good analogy. When you *know* a work of classical music you can draw it's movements and musical themes up into memory. You can see and hear its whole.

To get this with Bible books requires a more diverse approach (since each book contains different kinds of material).

I recently read Philippians. After setting it down I pondered what I'd just read and what came to mind was the statement Paul makes that whatever you need ask God for it; and to be equally content whether you are in a good situation or in a bad. In so many words (the words in the AV are much better, but I didn't just look up the passage, yet it's there for the finding).

So that is something I have in memory for Philippians. It's a start for that book (that work of music).

My goal is to know each book as I currently know Beethoven's 3rd or 7th Symphony...

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