
An email from me

My tone on this fourth way blog will be as if strangers unknown to me are reading it:


I'm going to link Simon's and Paul's too. Why not see it as serious. I wrote that a strand of lights went out on a tree last evening as a prelude to writing about a Work effort. Oh, no! Symbolism. I don't want lights going out in me...

So I've got a hook to start me off. Look for events to be awake in for the duration. Even it it's a very common, short event. On virtue of this is it gets you away from the ease of putting off efforts because "you've got things to do" or, you're not "geared up" for it, or whatever. If you've got things to do, those are your events.

It's not the same as hardcore duration self-remembering, though, admittedly. The most strange experiences I've had with self-remembering was as the result of hardcore, depth and duration. So I'm not saying this this event approach is all-defining of anything... - C.

ps- I forgot I also use the word 'event' for one of the four types of self-remembering: rote, backlash, surprising/difficult event, and schedule. But that's alright, I still think I have to use it.

Simon's Work blog: http://simonworkthoughts.blogspot.com/

Paul's Work blog: http://parzivals.blogspot.com/

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