
Knight of the Inner Order

Written as a comment by the owner of another Work site (Parzival, linked in the righthand margin) -

Parzival is the Knight who is walking within these symbolic realms. He knows that a car door is a portal between states and worlds. To the Knight of the Inner Order, this is all Real. The exterior world of objects (christmas tree lights, telephone boxes, doors & windows, unmade roads, blankets & bedding, horses & sheep, rolling mists, children in poverty, ice, watches and seasons), is a living non-verbal language of glyphs incised in the consciousness of the Wandering Knight: Opening of the Eyes = Renewal of the Oath of Service. We open our eyes each morning, blearily adjusting to the light of dawn. Mostly we are buried in the comfort of sleep but the Knight should know the meaning of the event and renew the Oath. Or as the great Johnny Cash sang it, "I'm just a poor wayfaring stranger travelling through this land below." Never forget it.


The Puritan said...

It's not worth its own post, so I'll put it here: I flamed out on an aim. I was going to be awake in a similar event as to last evening, got outside and totally phased out then woke up in a bookstore, which wasn't supposed to be part of the aim. So, valuation for the goal! And, it's never just a matter of course when you are awake in any moment or event. Or aim.

I need my 3x5 cards again... They keep your nose to the grindstone...

The Puritan said...

Speaking of seeing meaning in everything, I've recently been frustrated, in a non-Work related way, with not being able to find about 18 packs of 3x5 cards I'd purchased a few years back (I had got the notion to summarize each chapter of the Bible on a single card, for some God unknown reason, one of those projects you think of then you get about six chapters into and realize out out-of-scale it is with what is practical or needed, yet of course if you were crazy and still did it you'd obviously get 'something' from it, but maybe not enough to reward such a gargantuan effort).

So I can't find them. So maybe that means that has been done already, in my past stages (and I refer to my 3x5 card method of recording real time self-remembering), and it's time to do or find - or just DO - in a new way.

It may also mean do the duration, yes, but now focus on the schedule, which is so unique an effort and really develops your ability to be awake when you really need to be, in difficult moments and events that get sprung on you...