
Conscious labor, intentional suffering

I heard this guy arguing with his girlfriend over the phone (long-distance relationship of some sort). I wouldn't try to reason with him, but if I did (he's a Christian who goes to a church) I'd say it's silly, isn't it? Give it up. "Give her up?" Why not. At least the fighting and nonsense. (She screws around with him long distance.)

Then he thinks, but if I give it up, what do I have left? What takes its place?

Answer: suffering.

G.'s brilliantly foundational formula (more foundational than self-remembering/non-identifying, though that is the means) is: conscious labor, intentional suffering.

Non-identifying is at its base intentional suffering (easy to forget or not see). To build our spiritual body we have to be awake and to suffer. If we avoid that then we don't value the goal to begin with.

But it's good to know that when you come down to philosophical hard pan intentional suffering is there as an answer.

I'm in the world, not of the world, so what do I do? You intentionally suffer.

Conscious labor, intentional suffering.

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