
Physical labor and moving center and imagination/thoughts/words

The physical labor aspect of Work described by G. and O. had a practical effect of slowing down the negative work of moving center regarding imagination and thoughts. By tiring out moving center you get the benefit of stalling out the unique work of moving center involving uncontrolled imagination and thoughts and talking.

The physical labor stuff (shovel work, etc.) is usually taken as a method to make people snippy with each other, or to bring them down to their real limits for what they can put up with in the behavior of other human beings. Provoke limits.

But from a practical angle regarding self-remembering tiring out the moving center enables one to enter a state of presence unmolested by a hyper influx of thoughts and imagination.

(And come to think of it O. described the same method in a context of a simple marathon walk in difficult conditions. So working a shovel, walking a long distance, whatever. The practical tactic and result is the same.)

Ideally one wants to be in control of moving center without having to tire it out physically, but on the other hand getting into a true state of self-remembering requires we do it by getting control of all centers, and what it takes to get control is what it takes.

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