
Practical Mysticism - Evelyn Underhill

[another email...many posts on this blog are originally emails...]

This book - Practical Mysticism by Evelyn Underhill - seems to be newly uploaded over at Christian Classic Ethereal Library.

Usual material. The meditation and recollection chapter gets at self-remembering somewhat, but missing it of course. (Remember always that practical self-remembering can be seen for what it is by seeing sleep itself. Make an aim to self-remember, inevitably fall back into waking sleep, then when you do wake up see the difference. Keep this in mind and you won't begin to no longer value self-remembering.)

But the 10th chapter of the book seems interesting. It's an apologia for the whole process of inner development which leads to only finding yourself still in the world and ho hum. I didn't read the whole chapter, but I skimmed it.

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