
Don't know why I didn't think of this before

I've thought of a new element to my 3x5 card self-remembering technique. After you check off 4 straight boxes (meaning an hour of self-remembering) then rate that hour effort with a numbering system like 1 to 10. Or, I was thinking maybe to keep yourself from getting to clever just a numbering system of 1 to 3.

1 = not a good effort really at all. I didn't make an effort for continual self-remembering. I may have been awake enough to 'x' a box out at each 15-minute interval, but that was about it.

2 = average effort. Not good enough, but not in the total slacker '1' realm.

3 = totally diligent, high, continual valuation effort. I was taking nothing more importantly than staying awake in the moment. No daydreaming took over. I didn't considering other thoughts or matters to be more important.

So at the end of a row of four boxes I leave a number rating that hour's effort. 3's will be rare, unless I get tired of seeing worthless 1's and 2's.

This is necessary to stop the natural downgrade on effort over time.

Remember, the third state of consciousness is to the second state what running is to walking. It takes effort. Then the goal is to make the third state your 'average' state.

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