
A small little exercise (an email)

I've grappled over the years with how to get a real and deep understanding of the Bible *from the Bible*, but obviously also representing classical Covenant - Federal - Theology because we're not smarter than the oceanic mass of Christian theologians who have gone before. But I mean, really getting the 'whole' and the parts in relation to the whole in a complete way. I've pondered making notes on each chapter. I've used reference outlines. Etc. The Bible really doesn't respond to such tactics.

Now I'm think of this might be the approach: to actually write a narrative. A book. Your own book. Not to be published.

You could make a character to be central to it. A young man, like a young knight, who is learning about himself and the grand structure of the Plan of God he is in.

As he is put through a standard journey he develops being and his understanding develops and sees more and more and ultimately sees the whole and the parts in relation to the whole.

and this:
are what it's about, but to see it all and from the Bible, like this:
and to be able to narrate it and truly understand it is what the act of writing the book would bring about. (Those articles from here: http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/articles/onsite/qna/FAQs.html)

Like a fantasy novel, but it's all biblical.

OK, get started you all. Just a small little exercise... - C.

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